
Could Villanova's Jay Wright move to the NBA?

If an NBA team is looking for a coach calm under pressure, and one who knows how to develop players, then Villanova’s Jay Wright has put on quite a display — not just inwinning the NCAA championship Monday, but over the past few years in building up the program.

Could Wright be the next in line behind Brad Stevens, Fred Hoiberg, and Billy Donovan to jump from college to the NBA?

Jeff Goodman of ESPN asked some NBA decision-makers.

“Sure,” one NBA general manager said when asked if Wright could be the next college-to-NBA guy. “He has a great demeanor, communicates, has a terrific knowledge of the game. He just gets it.”

“I think he could be — if he wanted to be,” another GM added.

That last line is key: If he wanted to be.

There is a sense that Wright isn’t looking to make the leap, or, at least, is not right now. He’s a Philadelphia guy who just led that city’s college power to a national title. Another NBA official told Goodman he doesn’t think Wright is looking to move on from the college game.

At least right now. Maybe down the line he decides to give it a shot.

But for right now, you can blame a man who wants to bask in the glow of an NCAA title for a while.