
Create-a-caption: Are you ready for some footbasketball?

No, that's not a foul. These guys are just super excited that football season started. Everyone knows Lithuania and Argentina are huge football countries, so that makes sense. Best caption wins some shoulder pads. Good luck.

Previously, Pau Gasol is shocked and surprised.

Winner, victor: Pau: "ok, less than 20 seconds left, Spain needs a stop right here, Teodosic dribbling at the top of the key, nice defense by Spain, you know partner, back in Spain we were thought how to play defense at a very young age... as you can see now, Spain's defense is making it REALLY hard for Serbia to set up their offense, Teodosic still dribbling, their offense going nowhere with time running out, SUPERB defense by Spain! they force Teodosic to throw up a prayer and!!... *pause*.. oh..

Runner-up, Daniel: David Attenborough: And here we have the typical pro basketball player at the FIBA Championships in his natural environment, behind.....a commentators desk. As you can see, he is a well paid individual, massive in height with a... oh wait, wait, he has spotted us. We need to be very still and not....make....a.......sound.....or otherwise we may spook this rare specimen back into his mansion.

Second runner-up, Sean: Suddenly, Pau Gasol(notes) regrets having that extra helping of chorizo paella.