
The 10-man rotation, starring a Jeff Turner imposter

A look around the league and the web that covers it. It's also important to note that the rotation order and starting nods aren't always listed in order of importance. That's for you, dear reader, to figure out.

C:Seattle P-I. For months, a Boston-area woman thought she was dating former Magic player Jeff Turner. Nope.
PF:Globe, via AltRaps. Chris Bosh will be dispatched by "The Tonight Show" as a special Finals correspondent Regular season champs haven't won the title for seven straight years. Fact.
SG:The Basketball Jones. NBA Finals preview podcast, complete with Boston, The Chilis and "Roundball Rock."
PG:MixMakers. A list of things you won't see in this year's version of the Lakers-Celtics rivalry.
6th:Contra Costa Times. Nellie says it's time for the young Warriors to come out and play.
7th:Awful Announcing. Boston Globe writer Bob Ryan calls out Bill Simmons' Celtic fandom.
8th:Basketbawful. Headline (and video) of the day: "Digital Larry Bird has some sweet moves."
9th:Cuzoogle. Photoshoppin' the NBA Finals. (My favorite: Gasol & Lamar as Harold & Kumar.)
10th:The New Republic, via Deadspin. Joe Dumars, channeling Hillary Clinton: "Some in the media are declaring the series over because the Boston Celtics have won four of the six games played so far. But I don’t understand why, with a series this close and hotly contested, anyone would want to shut it down before we play a seventh game and have all the results in."