
Four Wide: Earnhardt's EMTs; Congress allows NASCAR funding

Rounding up a few of the week's best stories that didn't quite get the full-post treatment...

• Most teams decided not to practice at Daytona on Friday, having seen what could happen to cars which get a little funky with the two-car draft. [SB Nation]

• The story of the three EMTs who were the first to arrive on the scene of Dale Earnhart's fatal crash is chilling, yet somehow fascinating, another reminder of how one moment can bind together an entire nation of fans. Don't miss the stories of the firesuit and the media credential. [Boston Herald]

• Congratulations to USMC Staff Sergeant Matthew Hansen, who will be recognized as the named honoree of the Crown Royal "Your Name Here" 400 race in Richmond. Also honored: Matthew's identical twin brother Daniel, also a Marine, who was killed in action in February 2009. [! Sports]

• So it looks like the Pentagon will still sponsor NASCAR teams. A 281-148 vote kept the ban at bay. The vote broke down mostly along party lines, of course. [AP/Yahoo! Sports]

• I've read this piece from Ed Hinton probably half a dozen times, and it's still amazing: stories of riding in the passenger seat with Dale Earnhardt driving. []

• The New York Times writes up NASCAR's changes and previews the Daytona 500, and does a fine job of it. Nary a "turning-left" joke in sight. [New York Times]

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