
Paul Casey scoffs that changed Euro Tour membership rules helped him

Paul Casey scoffs that changed Euro Tour membership rules helped him

When the European Tour changed its membership requirements, it did so with the hope that players on the fringes of the top 50 in the Official World Golf Ranking would have an easier time meeting their commitments and simultaneously being able to maintain their PGA Tour memberships.

So, chief executive Keith Pelley knocked down the prior 13-tournament minimum, which included the four majors and four World Golf Championships events, to five tournaments, which didn't include those eight events. In other words, if the four majors and four WGCs were already on your 2016 docket, nothing changed.

Paul Casey's schedule includes those eight events. Perhaps, then, it's not surprising that Casey scoffed at the notion that the change in requirements was, for him, at least, any change at all.

"I was really frustrated when I read Keith Pelley's press release," he told the Times. "It was infuriating actually. He was saying he had done everything he could to make it easier for Paul Casey to play the European Tour. Keith Pelley -- you did not. He made it easier for guys outside the top 50. I appreciate that, don't get me wrong."

Late in 2015, Casey was giving serious thought to taking back up European Tour membership, a pre-requisite for representing Europe in the Ryder Cup. However, after learning of the change-that-wasn't, Casey decided to continue on playing as he has been, focusing on the PGA Tour.

"I know the new rules help those outside the top 50," he said. "But I'm inside the top 50 and so playing five outside the WGCs and the majors is pretty much exactly the same as what they wanted from guys in my position before the rule change."

Casey's choice means he will again miss the Ryder Cup, which he hasn't been a part of since 2008, including a snub from captain Colin Montgomerie in 2010.

Ryan Ballengee is a Yahoo Sports contributor. Find him on Facebook and Twitter.

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