
Yul Moldauer | Tokyo 2020 Olympic Profile

Team USA gymast Yul Moldauer explains the mindset it takes to compete at the highest level.

Video Transcript


YUL MOLDAUER: Hey guys, I'm Yul Moldauer. I'm part of the men's gymnastics US national team. It's always a little nerve wracking because we haven't gotten all the opportunities that we usually have, but again, that's kind of the mindset that you have to have in practice. You have to envision yourself in a high level competition. You got to make sure every turn counts. But at the end of the day, you train so hard and the way you train really matters when you go out there and compete. So when you got to compete, it shouldn't feel any different than how you train.

And if you can replicate that and you can really understand that mindset going into a competition, it won't feel like a competition, it will feel like a show. And I've always looked at competitions like that. We work so hard, you know all these athletes worked so hard. And we get to the competition and we label it a competition, but in reality it's show time. It's a time for us to have fun, it's a time to show off all the hard work we've done.

So for me, I just keep the mindset of every turn counts. Make sure that you're envisioning yourself at the games, at trials, at US championships. And just trust your training because the only thing you can do right now is just trust yourself and trust the process.