
Yankees injury report: Aaron Boone updates offseason statuses of Jasson Dominguez, Aaron Judge, Anthony Rizzo, Nestor Cortes

Yankees manager Aaron Boone provided injury updates on four key players -- Jasson Dominguez, Anthony RizzoNestor Cortes
and Aaron Judge -- while attending the 2023 MLB Winter Meetings this week in Nashville, Tenn.

Chief among them, Boone revealed that Dominguez -- who underwent Tommy John surgery for a torn UCL in September -- is "doing really well."

Here is everything else that Boone said about the four in the Monday interview with YES Network.


Although Dominguez has a long road to recovery, the 20-year-old outfielder's process has gone "according to plan."

"Jasson's doing well," Boone said. "Surgery -- obviously, had it when the season was still going on. He's doing really well. He's been down in Tampa, most of the time, rehabbing. It's gone according to plan so far and excited that he's going to, obviously, make a full recovery for us at some point. But I would say the first couple of months into his recovery has gone according to plan."


The 34-year-old Rizzo, whom the Yankees shut down on Sept. 5 after a month-long stint on the injured list with post-concussion syndrome, is expected to begin spring training at full health.

"I do, I do," Boone said. "I think, by the end of the season, he was -- he was there. And Rizz stayed in New York for probably a good month, month and a half after the season. So he was still at Yankee Stadium a few times a week -- whether it was working out, hitting, doing those kind of things. He's in great shape right now. So I do feel like he's going to have a really normal, good winter and hopefully get back to be the Anthony Rizzo he's been his entire career -- that's the expectation."


After a 2023 season in which he was limited to 12 games because of a rotator cuff issue, the 28-year-old left-hander has made incremental strides.

"He worked his way back to actually where he got on the mound -- and I think that was about three, four weeks ago," Boone said. "So he did that. Everything went well there. Then he was shut down and kind of his de-load -- he actually is starting his winter throwing program today. So he just got married, back from the honeymoon and starts his throwing program today. So he should, hopefully, have a normal ramp-up into spring training."


The 31-year-old Judge is "doing really well" following a campaign in which he played through his nagging toe injury.

"He's having his normal offseason," Boone said. "He'll be in New York a lot, he's done some travel and he'll be down in Tampa -- I think, right around the new year -- and, yeah, he's had a normal winter so far."

Judge missed 42 games after injuring his toe running into the outfield fence during a game against the Los Angeles Dodgers in early June.

He was eventually able to make his way back into the starting lineup and finished his season with 37 home runs, 75 RBI, and 1.019 OPS over 106 games.