
Top 5 professional networking tools you need to try

Using the right software and hardware is an essential part of successful professional networking. Having a firm grasp on technology makes it easy to meet, connect, and manage new relationships. And that’s how you turn an acquaintance into a collaborator, client, or coworker. Of course, successful networking also requires the ability to socialize and contribute value, but these skills are complemented by using the right tools. Here are five top professional networking tools that you need to try.

Best digital business card

Winner: Popl

Want to exchange contact info? Interested in an easy, optimized solution? Forget paper business cards, Popl offers digital business cards that enable you to connect with a simple tap or scan. Whether you go with the Popl Phone Tag, Metal Card or Band, using a digital business card will improve your first impression and well as make it easy for you to organize, manage, and nurture new connections. Use Popl to make the most out of every handshake.

Best messaging and communication

Winner: Slack

Slack is a massively successful messaging platform. Over the past few years, Slack has been adopted by the vast majority of Fortune 500 companies and practically every startup company you can think of. Not only is Slack essential for effective inter-company communication, but more and more people are turning to private Slack channels and groups to network, meet, and collaborate. Some say the future of online networking may be niche-specific, individualized Slack channels.

Social network

LinkedIn professional networking
LinkedIn professional networking

Winner: LinkedIn

Although there’s no shortage of LinkedIn users complaining about the networking platform’s direction these days, there’s also no denying that LinkedIn still reigns supreme when it comes to professional networking. Whether you are job hunting or looking to send someone your resume, many business people consider having at least a basic LinkedIn profile up-and-active a professional necessity.

Online identity

Wordpress networking tool
Wordpress networking tool

Winner: WordPress

Despite social media popularity, more and more professionals have been opting for a simpler, more fixed way of managing their online identities. Many are learning to build simple personal websites using user-friendly CMS systems like WordPress. If you are looking to have a digital presence but either don’t want to or can’t be actively engaged on social media, consider learning to build your own personal website. Not only will the experience be rewarding, but it will also help you stand out from the crowd. When others are sharing their Facebook or LinkedIn pages, you will be sharing your personal website.

Best Hardware

Apple networking tool
Apple networking tool

Winner: Apple

The fact is that Apple devices still reign supreme when it comes to networking. For some, the well-known green bubble you get when texting on a non-Apple device is considered a technical deficiency. In other cases, pulling anything out of your pocket besides an iPhone raises eyebrows. Maybe these attitudes are misguided, but sentiments are what they are – and if you’re looking to maximize value (especially when meeting new people), you’ll want to do as much right as possible. Sometimes in the interest of initial acceptance, it’s worth taking a more common touch rather than standing out with something different than what’s commonly used – even if this means adopting the same phone or laptop as those you’re trying to connect with.


Popl digital business cards
Popl digital business cards

There you have it: the top five professional networking tools you need to try. Whether you’re upgrading to a Popl digital business card or leaning into Slack’s new networking groups, meeting the right people and connecting in a way that creates value requires active cultivation. You not only need to keep your skills sharp, but your tools need to be honed as well. And always stay ahead of the curve! 

Story originally appeared on List Wire