
Social Media Buzz: N’Faly Dante posterizes Kerr Kriisa with monster slam

N’Faly Dante is known for his dunks and rebounding prowess in the paint. But actually posterizing someone hasn’t been in the Dante highlight film.

Until now.

Dante stepped in front of a pass on the Oregon press and instead of passing it, the big 7-foot center decided to take a few dribbles and go right to the hoop. Unfortunately for Arizona guard Kerr Kriisa, he happened to be in Dante’s way and there wouldn’t be any going around the defender.

Dante went through him and slammed it in Kriisa’s face to send the Matthew Knight Arena faithful into a frenzy. Just to add insult to injury, Kriisa was called for the blocking foul.

The play also sent social media into a frenzy.

The Highlight

Hang it in the Louvre

Young Shaq?

The lone shining moment

Green Light takes notice

The fact that it was on Kerr Kriisa is perfect

Sports Center gets in on it

N'Faly Dante or Jordan Bell?

A lot of dunking going on

Push Notification Treatment

Story originally appeared on Ducks Wire