
Quandarrius Robinson compares his 'Bama commitment to a Super Hero


BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — It has been three months since Quandarrius Robinson committed to Alabama, and that decision over the summer has allowed the four-star linebacker to focus on his senior season.

He is no longer stressed about recruiting, he was back in Tuscaloosa over the weekend and things are going well with the Crimson Tide.

"I feel really comfortable when I am at Alabama," said Robinson. "I am vibing with the players, I am bonding with them and the coaches and it is a good feeling when I am there.

"I was there Saturday, I was at the cookout in July and it is always nice when I am there. I am just getting closer with everyone."

Most schools have backed off Robinson since his commitment, but Auburn, the other in-state school he was once committed to has not completely given up.

"I still talk to Auburn about once a week. They still reach out and show interest, but I am strong to Alabama. I am not ruling out another visit to Auburn, but I don't have anything planned.

"I am really just focused on Alabama. I am not thinking about Auburn or anything else.

"The strength of my commitment to Alabama is like Superman. It is pretty strong."

Robinson plans to attend most Alabama home games this fall and then sign in December. He will be watching those at his position closely in the coming months.

"I do have my eye on Anfernee Jennings, Terrell Lewis and guys that play the edge rush position Alabama wants me to play," said Robinson. "I watch the players, I watch the coaches and I want to see what I can pick up.

"I will even go back on YouTube and watch the game again to see what I can learn. Alabama wants me to rush the passer at the weakside linebacker spot, so I am watching that as much as I can."

Karl Scott is Robinson's recruiting coach and the two talk on average of once a week. Robinson said, "Our conversations are more casual now, but he and Alabama still talks to me like I am uncommitted. We talks casual, we talk ball and we have a good thing going."