
Potter praises 'excellent' Rangers in 'whirlwind' first year

With the potential to sign off the season with a domestic cup double, Jo Potter has reflected on her "whirlwind" first year in charge at Rangers.

The former England international replaced Malky Thomson after last season's third-place finish and League Cup win.

Her side have defended that trophy, finished runners-up in the league and are one game away from a first Scottish Cup success, with Hearts the opponents in Sunday's final, live on BBC One Scotland.

“It’s been a great year, it feels like a bit of a whirlwind," Potter told BBC Scotland.

"It seems like I’ve been here an age but gone in an instant, too, but I’ve loved it.

"I’ve loved how busy it’s been – I’m not a person who likes to have a lot of time on my hands anyway. The schedule is busy, but it’s really good for us and I’ve enjoyed being in this facility and this training ground every day."

Potter brought a new way of play and a few fresh faces north of the border with her, but the receptiveness of the players already at the club has impressed the head coach too.

“I was really impressed by how quickly the girls welcomed me in, adapted to a way of playing and a style and everything I was asking them to do, because I didn’t expect them to do that so quick and for them to be so good at it as well," she added.

"I was conscious not to change too much too soon, but when I did see how quickly they could adapt and change, we threw everything at them.

"So, I was really impressed with the adaptability, openness and willingness of the girls to learn and take on more and be better.

"That’s all you can ask for as a coach and manager… they’ve been excellent.”