
Orioles new owner David Rubenstein joins the ‘Splash Zone’ fun at Camden Yards | Baseball Bar-B-Cast

Yahoo Sports senior MLB analyst Jordan Shusterman and senior MLB analyst Jake Mintz react to new Orioles owner David Rubenstein joining the crowd in the ‘Splash Zone’ at Camden Yards. Hear the full conversation on the “Baseball Bar-B-Cast” podcast - and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen.

Video Transcript

Let's move to your favorite team.

Jake the Baltimore Orioles.

They won Friday, they won Saturday and they lost on Sunday.

Friday was fun because the owner David Rubenstein pretended to be Mr Splash and went out to the outfield.

The Orioles do a thing.

They have a guy with a hose in the outfield and whenever they get an extra base hit or score a run, he sprays the crowd with water.

It's like all part of the Orioles a water theme, uh, based upon the bird bath motif, but the owner went out there and sprayed the crowd down and they won on Friday night.

They won on a Jordan Westbrook walk off kind of dink single on Saturday.

Diamondbacks take the game on Sunday.