
Not buying “NFL disrespects Titans” angle

Looking at all Titans transactions
Looking at all Titans transactions

Not buying “NFL disrespects Titans” angle

During the Pro Bowl and after the Pro Bowl, some fans took to Twitter. They complained to the NFL and NFLFanShop about there being no Titans Pro Bowl jerseys being available for purchase.

The thinking was that there were five Tennessee Titans in the Pro Bowl, so fans should be able to buy those jerseys online. I agree.

The discussion carried over to a popular Titans message board. At this point, the thinking was that the NFL is disrespecting the Titans. The Titans went from being the worst team in the NFL to an above .500 team and the NFL was caught off-guard. Rants took place.


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I’m not “buying” this line of thinking.

My guess would simply be the NFL only had so many jerseys made and hoped to sell those. There is a strong possibility that they create X numbers of jerseys, only sell Y number of jerseys, and are left with a bunch of unsold product at the end. This is a loss for their business. Usually online retailers map out their future work based on previous sales. If no one bought a Titans Pro Bowl jersey during the week leading up to the game, it would be a precarious stance to expect them to make 1000 or so.

Roger Goodell blah blah blah

He is the commish. I doubt he has much of anything to do with jersey creation and/or inventory counts.

Why aren’t they made to order?

The Pro Bowl jerseys are one of two colors. They have a name on the back and a number. It seems relatively simple to make. (Not that I have garment making experience) I do think this is probably a sound idea. Why make them ahead of time? Why not “made to order?” The NFL’s graphic designer could certainly mimic many jerseys without having to actually create the shirt.

Last, but oh so not least

You buy Pro Bowl jerseys? I have been a football fan all of my life and never seen one. Never. I think many of you must be some super serious die-hard fans to be this upset. I don’t know that I’ve even noticed one on e-bay. I just…wow, you are some serious Titans fans. Some of the profiles I clicked upon had custom made Titans gear. Season Tickets laminated and what is that? A metal duplicate of the ticket? This gives me a “stinking suspicion” you die hards are used to this. The NFLFanShop offers tons of merchandise, but if you have a habit of getting custom-made creations made up, they probably regularly don’t meet your needs. Do you know those creations made with tweezers inside a glass bottle? I saw a ship with the Titans logo on the side. It’s beautiful and creative. Still though, that isn’t exactly for sale at NFLFanShop.

I’m sorry you guys felt slighted, but I don’t think the NFL “had it out for you” or somesuch. I hope the NFL finds a way to get you the jersey you want or settle this in some fashion.

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