
How will the NFL decide to punish David Tepper? | Sunday Night Blitz

Yahoo Sports’ Jason Fitz and Frank Schwab react to the recent video of Carolina Panthers owner David Tepper. They discuss what possible punishments the NFL could have for Tepper. Hear the full conversation on “Sunday Night Blitz” - part of the “Zero Blitz” podcast - and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen.

Video Transcript


JASON FITZ: David Tepper, the much maligned owner of the Carolina Panthers, was in his luxury suite after the game. And a Jags fan was talking his talk. But that being said, the video is now everywhere of David Tepper throwing his drink on the Jags fan.

If that was a player, if that was a coach, if that was a GM, if that was anybody else that was an actual employee of the league, they would face a punishment that is like the thunder of the gods. David Tepper deserves that same scrutiny. When you are an owner of an NFL team-- in fact, you should be held to a higher standard. At the very least, the NFL should suspend him.

Are the people that own these teams good representatives of our brand? Because the answer to that for David Tepper is clearly no. David Tepper is not representing his team, his league, his organization, his city. He's not even representing himself well. So for him to still be allowed in that stadium is a joke. I suspend him for a year.

FRANK SCHWAB: The NFL loves fining its players $20,000 for pointing an opponent when you've juked him on the way to the end zone-- Josh Allen a couple of weeks ago. He at least-- this leads me-- million dollar fine in my mind? And a suspension-- I don't know if a full year.

JASON FITZ: What do you fine a billionaire? That's the hard part about like--

FRANK SCHWAB: I'm usually pretty good at, like, historical references. I couldn't come up with anything like this. You can't do this. And it's got to come down really hard. I just feel bad for Panthers fans, because they went from one terrible owner to another right away.