
Watch Cristiano Ronaldo Jr. score a very Cristiano Ronaldo free kick

Cristiano Ronaldo Jr.
Cristiano Jr. got to hold his dad’s Best FIFA Men’s Player Award in January. (Getty Images)

Cristiano Ronaldo is getting on a bit.

He just turned 32, and that’s the age when even four-time World Player of the Year recipients begin to slow down a bit. Certainly, Ronaldo’s playing style has become more static as he’s made the full-time transition from winger to striker. This has ensured that he’s kept scoring bags of goals – although this season promises to be his least productive since his first campaign with Real Madrid in 2009-10.

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But if you’re already wondering who the next Cristiano will be, well, it might just be Cristiano.

CR7’s son, that is, who is also named Cristiano. He doesn’t turn seven until June 17, but the boy, born to Ronaldo and a mysterious American woman who has never been identified and relinquished full custody to the footballer, is already doing very Cristiano things.

Just look at this clip.

It’s all so Cristiano. The wide stance on the free kick. The sprinter’s run-up. The blast. And, of course, the ball going in off the far post – or so it seems in the harried footage.

Ronaldo seems like a devoted father, perhaps a reaction to his own absentee dad, who drank himself to death young, and the resemblance with the little boy is eerie.

The only thing that’s off is the celebration. Whereas Ronaldo would preen boastfully, little Cristiano looks slightly embarrassed by the attention lavished on him by his teammates.

Gotta work on that, Cristiano Jr.

And let us be the first to declare that his nickname should be CR7.1.


Leander Schaerlaeckens is a soccer columnist for Yahoo Sports. Follow him on Twitter @LeanderAlphabet.