
Adorable pug skin makes Kog’Maw a good League of Legends doggo

Get 'em, boy (Riot Games)
Get ’em, boy (Riot Games)

Can we talk about Pug’Maw for a second?

Right now, on the League of Legends Public Beta Environment, you can play with the Pug’Maw skin for Kog’Maw.

I find it hard to believe how much of a h*ckin’ good boy he is.

Now, Kog’Maw has a lot of good skins. Monarch Kog’Maw is magical and whimsical. Jurassic Kog’Maw is horrifying in all the right ways. Battlecast Kog’Maw is a mechanical terror. Reindeer Kog’Maw brings the holiday cheer in a way only a Void pup can do. Even ol’ Deep Sea Kog’Maw has his place in the underwater realm.

But Pug’Maw blows all those old skins out of the water.

First of all, he’s a pug. Pugs rule a lot. They’re small, they’ve got squished little faces, and they snort adorably. Ignoring all their health problems resulting from inbreeding (Did you know they often have to get Cesarean sections?), they’re one of the best breeds of dogs around. And that’s coming from a guy who prefers dogs of 60 pounds and above.

Adding to his inherent snuggliness, the animations on Pug’Maw’s abilities are just too much. He shoots dog slobber with his Q and auto attacks. Pugs slobber everywhere even without having to press anything on a keyboard! Adorable and accurate.

Both his E and his ult use slimy tennis balls, another pug favorite. Whether it’s rolling one out to slow down any enemies in its path (E) or launching them at unsuspecting pug-haters from afar, tennis balls are the little guy’s weapon of choice. He’s such a good boy he even wants to share his balls with his enemies. He deserves many pats.

Don’t even get me started on his backing animation.

In short, dogs are good. Pugs are good. Pug’Maw is very good.

Taylor Cocke needs more pugs in his life. Follow him on Twitter @taylorcocke.