
Mother of young Chiefs fan backs up Raiders player's claim of why her son didn't end up with pick-6 football

A fan behind the mother and son tried to snatch it from Jones as he was trying to hand it to the 11-year-old

Las Vegas Raiders cornerback Jack Jones wasn't being a Grinch after all.

If you didn't see the viral video from Monday, Jones was blasted on social media for offering up the football he intercepted for a pick-6 against the Kansas City Chiefs to a young fan before snatching away. But the clip cut off right at that moment, and there was a whole lot left out.

Jones responded on X to the video by saying, "I didn’t snatch that ball from the kid it was from that blac dude who tried to take it watch it again lollipop."

Backing up Jones' claim was the mother of the 11-year-old boy in the video. Tessa TR told their side of the story in a Facebook post Tuesday, verifying what Jones said about there being a fan behind them who tried to grab it.

When the Las Vegas Raiders Jack Jones intercepted a Mahomes’ pass for a pick 6, Jones looked at the fans lining the end zone and made eye contact with Logan. Jones was grinning at him as he jogged up - he went out of his way to find a kid.

As a mom, all I could do was smile. You forget about the rivalry in that moment. You forget about the Raider Hater chants you grew up with. You even forget that your beloved Chiefs are losing and the opposing team just scored on a turnover. All you see is the moment through your kid’s eyes: This is going to mean the world to him.

And it would have.

The video circulated like wildfire. Sports Illustrated ESPN FanDuel Fox News Barstool Sports The Kansas City Star - literally hundreds of outlets, and some, with the best clickbait headline of all time: “Raiders Jack Jones goes full grinch on child.”

But if you watch the video, what you don’t see is the dude behind me who is literally on my back trying to snatch the ball. You don’t see the other Chiefs fans screaming at the players that they suck. You don’t see the Raiders players taunting the fans (and the one who flipped off the crowd, which my 12-year-old daughter pointed out). Jones tried to give Logan the ball and pulled it back when the guy behind me started swatting and cursing. Logan was, of course, devastated. I was, of course, so bummed for him, and beyond annoyed that an adult ruined this moment (sidenote: the “old dude” people referred to on Twitter next to Logan who was also trying to take the ball was my dad who was 100% trying to help). And, to add insult to injury, this whole event spilled Logan’s hot chocolate I had just got him - a special treat (who spends $10 on hot chocolate?!? #christmas) - all over him. Poor kid.

Tessa TR added that while her son did not end up with Jones' ball, the Chiefs saw what happened on X and brought him a Willie Gay autographed ball in the third quarter.