
'I’m doing it for my team': Lakeland changes up, earns back-to-back cheer national titles

A necessary adjustment by the Lakeland Dreadnaughts was able to put senior Emma Geohagan and her stunt group in a different yet successful position in the UCA High School Nationals at ESPN’s Wide World of Sports Complex on Saturday.

Lakeland head coach Crystal Abdon had to take the boys off the competition mat because the score sheets are different between FHSAA and UCA High School Nationals. FHSAA allows two boys without executing coed skills, whereas UCA does not.

The week before nationals in states, two boys were allowed on the mat, but a week later, that wasn’t the case, so there needed to be a change in nationals.

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The change was successful: Lakeland was able to still execute and score the most points. And in the end, Lakeland claimed its second straight national title. Bartow placed second to Graves County, while Lake Wales was 13th.

“I’m doing it for my team basically. I didn’t mind being out of it because I knew I was doing what I needed to do for my team, and that’s what helped us win,” Geohagan said. “…It’s awesome. It gets better and better every year. It feels like all the hard work paid off. …I couldn’t have did it without coach Abdon. She was insane this year. She did everything awesome. We had a mom group that really helped us out. My stunt group was amazing. It was the most fun I had all three years on the team.”

While Geohagan made no complaints about the changes that needed to be made ahead of nationals, the real work began when it was time to prepare for those changes before the nation’s biggest cheer competition. Abdon directed Lakeland to rearrange the formation of everyone because there just can’t be two girls standing on the mat. Cheer team members were moved to work around Geobagan and the group, and jumps got switched up.

Stunts, jumps and pyramids were worked on, exemplifying what it could take to win the whole thing. When nationals rolled around, the Dreadnaughts were on full display, exhibiting full-up 360s, round offs and half turn to the fronts.

These weren’t modified stunts, which is the first year Lakeland hasn’t done so. Abdon said she was proud.

“I am most proud of my senior Emma Geohagan because she was in the stunt group that had to be modified. She never once complained and did what was needed for the team,” Abdon said.

Geoghagan said this was her finest group she has competed with.

“I think everyone just came in with a determination that they knew what it takes to keep winning and everyone had a great attitude," Geobagan said. "This has been my favorite team to be on. We laugh with each other. There’s not drama. I just love this team so much."

This article originally appeared on The Ledger: Lakeland earns second national cheer title