
Jalen Milroe’s electric rushing TD ties Alabama up with LSU mid first quarter

One of the biggest frustrations people have had with Alabama this season has been some of the play-calling by offensive coordinator Tommy Rees. Granted it is his first year with the Tide and it takes time to adjust, but some of his play-calling has left Tide fans less than satisfied. The largest gripe people have had specifically with Rees is his lack of use of Jalen Milroe in the run game. Milroe is a freak of nature athlete as his speed and ability in the open field are simply dazzling. Most importantly, he continues to get better by the week.

It appears as if Rees and the offensive staff heard the critics as he dialed up a great call for Milroe to get the Tide into the endzone for the first time today. Milroe ran a read option that he pulled and walked 23 yards into the paint. Halfway through the first quarter, Milroe leads both sides with three carries for 25 yards and the score. It’s going to be a back-and-forth game for all 60 minutes as we currently are tied at 7-7 halfway through the first quarter.

Alabama fights back

Let's go O!!

Way to be special 4

Let him be an athlete

LOL they hadn't see it on film yet this year


Breaking News: 4 is fast

Big ballers shot callers


Next level speed

Looks lke he's playing on a different speed

Story originally appeared on Roll Tide Wire