
Will the Hawks trade the No. 1 pick? | Good Word with Goodwill

Yahoo Sports senior NBA reporter Vincent Goodwill and NBA draft analyst Krysten Peek discuss whether Atlanta will trade the top pick in the 2024 NBA Draft and what the Hawks could get back. Hear the full conversation on “Good Word with Goodwill” - part of the “Ball Don’t Lie” podcast - and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen.

Video Transcript

Atlanta has never had the number one pick in the lottery area era.

I think it's been 54 years or something like that since they've had the number one pick overall in the NBA draft.

Will they package either a, the number one pick or b the number one pick and, or Trey Young and Deonte Murray to chase some type of star.

Yes, I think they're going to look at all options.

If you are looking at drafting someone like Alex Starr who could hit, he could be another iteration that we've seen of Chat Hol Grum and Victor Wemba Yama.

But he could also be Scala Bassir, you know what I mean?

So there's, there's a lot of that name in a long time.

Good grief.



But, and Scott, look, he was at one point the number one recruit coming out of high school.

So there was a lot of buzz coming out, but he just didn't translate to the NBA, right?

So having that kind of floor to ceiling and you don't know what you're getting and you're taking a huge risk.

Of course, the Hawks are going to look to try to package that and either, you know, trade Trey Young, I think, I thought people were speculating that maybe the Spurs would be interested and, and then that way the Hawks could trade down to four and eight and get more room there and maybe package the number one pick with Trey Young.

I don't know if that would be enough, but that was just something that I was seeing, especially in this draft where a lot of conversations are going to be made, I think towards the top because nobody wants to be the person picking at the top.

They wanna see how everything else falls and then they just take the next available so they keep their job, it's job security time.