
What can we expect from Jim Harbaugh in his first season with Chargers? | Zero Blitz

Yahoo Sports' Charles Robinson discusses what we can expect from Jim Harbaugh in his first season with the Los Angeles Chargers. Hear the full conversation on the “Zero Blitz” podcast - and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen.

Video Transcript

Jim Harbaugh.


I, I wanna, I've covered the league long enough that I literally remember covering Jim Harbaugh with the 49ers and I remember sitting through some of the press, press conferences when things weren't going well, you know, that last season in San Francisco, they were eight and eight, but it really wasn't even, the football wasn't the problem.

It was everything else that was going on in ownership and with the front office and he was a miserable human being by the end of that season.

Um, every bit as miserable, I would argue in those press conferences as Bill Belichick has ever been in, in New England.

We have just forgotten that because it's been a while since we've seen that, that Jim Harbaugh.

Um, but to me, essentially, I went back and I looked, and this guy, we all know it, but I think we forget how much success he has reached everywhere.

He has gone as a head coach and then he's just, he's Jim Harbaugh.


Like he's crazy.

He's the closest thing we have to a cartoon as a head coach, um in, in our league now.

And I am very, very excited to see what he does, uh, with the Los Angeles Chargers and Justin Herbert and he, and he's been a man of his work when in talking about we're gonna run the ball.

Offensive line is important.

He's done nothing but, um, commit to that this off season and I don't think there's any question he is absolutely 100% going to do it his way and low key, I might even look after the 2024 season.

I wonder if there's a larger um swath of personnel change there in terms of the players after the 2024 season than we expect, including maybe even some big names because I think he's gonna measure in 2024 who doesn't need to be there.

Like and, and again, the division sorry fits but there's still two soft teams in this division between the Raiders and, and the Broncos.

Yeah, the, the Chiefs of the Chiefs, you got to deal with that.

But I think all in all, he's going to have a more monumental impact walking in there.

And I, I think he's a more decisive coach in terms of how he wants to do things, sticking to what the culture is going to be.

Whereas with Brandon Staley, I felt like he was much more of a flip flopper from one year to the next than, than I really expected.

Not only in terms of like his coaching decisions, but even what the culture was supposed to be inside that organization.