
Edwards on Barkley future, pride in team and ambition

Rob Edwards has been speaking to the media before Luton Town host Fulham in the Premier League on Sunday.

Here are the key lines from his news conference:

  • Edwards confirmed that Reece Burke and Ross Barkley will both miss the final game of the season through injury.

  • On Barkley, whose future with the club is still unclear, he added: "We have had a good chat. We want to be open and honest with each other. He is an ambitious person, as we all are. He recognises what this club has done for him and what we have done for each other. He has loved this season at the club. Nothing is off the table and we are really hopeful he will stay but we are also realistic in this day and age."

  • The Hatters boss feels the club "is in a really healthy position", despite being set for a return to the Championship, and added: "We're only looking forward and club is in really great position. I'm really proud of what we have done the past 18 months. We have given everything and given a really good account of ourselves. We have shown Luton to the world in a really good light. Players, staff, supporters and I'm really proud of that."

  • On keeping hold of players: "We have to think about what is best for the football club and there is a human side to everything as well. We will be in a really good position going into next season and we want to keep the majority of the squad together and I'm pretty sure we will do that."

  • On what he has learned about himself: "I'm always open to learning and improving and getting better. I've done that along with staff and players this year. I have leant that I feel comfortable at this level, and along with the players and staff, that really pleases me. What it has also taught me is I'm a little bit jealous of the people who are going to be here next year and I really want to get back."

  • Edwards said that himself and the club are "ambitious" and that it is "really disappointing to drop down," but added: "We also recognise how far we have come and we are in better position to attack the league than a year ago. We know how difficult the Championship is, it's a big challenge ahead but one we will really look forward to and relish."

  • On message to fans: "Once again, thank you the support and the understanding. They have been really intelligent, been incredible for us. Enjoy the break and get ready to back us again next season."

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