
Chiefs WR Skyy Moore wants to be ‘reliable weapon’ for Patrick Mahomes in 2023

In comments made to the media on Wednesday, it is evident that Kansas City Chiefs WR Skyy Moore values building chemistry with his star quarterback, as he enters his second year as a NFL wideout.

Coming off his rookie season where he played every receiver role, Moore is determined to show growth entering the 2023 NFL season.

“Last year was getting here, knowing the culture, knowing the playbook, and getting the hang of how people do things around here,” Moore said. “Now, I get to show my natural ability and show why they drafted me.”

The second-year wideout is expected to have a more impactful role in 2023, and Moore is willing to play any role necessary to help the team win. With a year under his belt, Moore feels like he’s learned a lot, and that it will help him produce more heading into this upcoming season.

“It was a challenge to say the least,” Moore said. “Coming into year two I feel like I have the hang of everything – knowing what Pat (Mahomes) likes, what Coach (Andy) Reid likes, what Coach (Matt Nagy) likes. Just being able to be a Chiefs receiver.”

Route running is a key component for any receiver in the NFL, but Moore wants to make sure that he is on the same page with Patrick Mahomes first and foremost.

“All the little things that Pat [Mahomes] wants — coming out of breaks, when to look, when to be there, what speed to run at — the little details of being a receiver,” Moore said. “I felt like I knew what I needed to improve on.”

Mahomes has organized private workouts in Texas with his receivers in each of the past two offseasons. Moore felt like those have been monumental in building newfound chemistry with his quarterback.

“You get that time to talk. I can run a route and see what (Patrick Mahomes) likes and not likes,” Moore said. “When we’re running routes on air, he does not have time to talk to me. I feel like Texas definitely helped me a lot.”

The 22-year-old receiver wants to ensure that Mahomes has trust in him this season, fostering a growing partnership on the field.

“Knowing he can rely on me. I just want to show him that you won’t regret it,” Moore said. “I’m going to be a reliable weapon for him coming up this year.”

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Story originally appeared on Chiefs Wire