
Charlie Brenneman Found New Life from Fan Support After UFC Release

Charlie Brenneman did not get the call he was hoping for following his loss to Kyle Noke at UFC 152 in Toronto.

Brenneman lost after a flash knockout sent him to the mat early in the first round, and despite his protests, the fight was over in less than a minute. A short time later, Brenneman got the dreaded call from the UFC saying he was being released from his contract.

Over the last few years, Brenneman has competed in the Octagon a total of eight times with a 4-4 record overall. He was part of one of the most memorable moments in UFC history when he changed opponents on 24-hours notice to help fill a slot needed at UFC on Versus 4, pulling off an upset victory over Rick Story.

Now, Brenneman has left the UFC and, as he tells it, it's like losing an old friend.

“It was something I knew had the possibility of happening, so I understood it could be coming. When it happens it's like losing a friend or losing an old girlfriend. I fought for them, it was everybody, everyone was the whole family. So it was sad and then it was disappointing,” Brenneman told on Tuesday.

At first there was the shock of being released and then the pain of dealing with moving on from being a part of the UFC, but Brenneman turned things around quickly after fans rallied around him after hearing about his release.

“I can honestly say up until pretty much I made it public, I was pretty down. I was contemplating like what do I want to do, but once I saw the support, it was kind of like, wow, this makes me feel good,” Brenneman stated.

Now the goal is to go out and improve and find the kind of fighter he wants to be before looking to return to the UFC. Brenneman still isn't a finished product, and this moment just serves as notice that he still has a long way to go until he's satisfied.

“I'm not going to lie, it is hard to find motivation, but in just the one conversation I've had with potential fights, it's like there are other things out there. There's other new exciting promotions, and I'm excited for that, but more so my ultimate goal and I haven't accomplished it, is this vision what I want to fight like,” said Brenneman.

“I have a vision of watching one of my fights and saying ‘wow, that's exactly what I wanted to be and what I wanted to do' and I haven't been able to do that yet.”

Brenneman says he wants a quick turnaround to get back into the ring or cage as soon as possible. He's already received a call from at least one promotion that wants to put him to work, and Brenneman is certainly ready to earn it.

If he's able to become the fighter he's envisioning in his mind, then there's no doubt he'll be back in the UFC Octagon before you know it.

“If I'm able to make that happen and get that goal,” said Brenneman. “There's no way I won't be back in the UFC.”

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