
Bond between speedskaters Bowe and Jackson is unbreakable

When a slip on the ice would prevent the world’s top-ranked 500-meter speedskater from making the U.S. Olympic team, Brittany Bowe relinquished her spot for longtime friend and teammate Erin Jackson. The two are now racing against each other at the Beijing Games.

Video Transcript


ERIN JACKSON: I looked up to Britney ever since I was a kid. She's just always been a great person, a great athlete. This year, she's really had some breakout performances. It's just great to continue to up the ante, and up the-- up the competition at training.

- When Erin Jackson slipped during her race at the US Olympic trials, it looked like the world's top ranked 500-meter speed skater would not make the Olympic team. That's when Brittany Bowe stepped in, relinquishing her spot in the 500-meter race so that her teammate Jackson could compete in Beijing.

- Having already qualified for the Olympic team and other races, it was a no-brainer for Bowe to find a way to bring Jackson to Beijing. Bowe and Jackson's friendship has deep roots spanning two decades.

ERIN JACKSON: I've known Britanny since I was 10. We grew up skating for the same team in Ocala. They're actually like five of us here from the same city who all made the switch over to ice. So it's nice to have like a little family zone here.

BRITTANY BOWE: We have a bunch of kids from Ocala that found their way onto the ice. Somehow, we we're always saying it must be something in the water, but it's been great to be training partners with her alongside Joey Mantia, who is a two-time Olympian. And it-- it's been great to see her up and coming. Looked up the Brittany ever since I was a kid. She's just always been a great person, a great athlete and just having her here as like a trailblazer for me on the ice has been great too. So yeah, she's always someone I can go to for tips or encouragement or everything. Yeah, she's great.