
Trevor Bauer throws ball over center field fence after getting pulled from disastrous start

Cleveland Indians manager Terry Francona may just want to send out a drone the next time he’s forced to pull Trevor Bauer from a game. It’ll definitely make it easier to get the ball back.

In the latest of questionable — if not downright childish — antics from the 28-year-old hurler, Bauer lost his cool on the mound after giving up a go-ahead, two-run single in Kansas City and flung the ball in anger twice across the field.

The first went behind the plate. The second went over the fence in center field.

via Fox Sports
via Fox Sports Kansas City

Special shoutout to Mike Freeman with the epic flinch.

Anyways, Francona eventually made it to the mound with some choice words for his pitcher, who is most certainly in time out now.

Bauer’s final line on the day: 4 1/3 innings, nine hits, seven earned runs, six strikeouts and four walks. He also apologized after the game.

Major League Baseball is going to want to take a look at Bauer’s throw despite the apology. If not to assess any potential punishment, then to at least discuss whether it needs to implement an “own goal” rule. Should the other team get a run if you throw the ball over the fence?

As far as the rest of the league is concerned, Bauer’s name has been prominently mentioned on the trade market. The Indians may need to go ahead and lower that asking price now.

This post will be updated as soon as Statcast information on Bauer’s throw becomes available.

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Blake Schuster is a writer for Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at or follow him on Twitter!

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