
Ammann recovering in hospital after serious crash

(Reuters) - Swiss four-times Olympic ski jumping champion Simon Ammann remained in hospital on Wednessday with severe concussion after crash landing at the Four Hills tournament in Bischofshofen, Austria. A statement posted on the Swiss Ski Federation's website ( said the 33-year-old escaped serious injury in the crash on Tuesday but would remain in hospital for a few days. "He has a severe concussion and severe bruises to the face, but no broken bones," it said. "Simon Ammann will stay a few days in the hospital in Schwarzach and requires absolute rest." Ammann, who won the large and small hill Olympic golds at Salt Lake City 2002 and Vancouver 2010 but missed out in Sochi last year, was left bloodied after toppling forward in the landing area and sliding face first across the snow. (Writing by Martyn Herman, editing by Alan Baldwin)