
Memorial Day safety tips

HOUSTON - Many will gather to commemorate Memorial Day by spending time with family and friends, grilling, hanging by the pool or participating in other outdoor activities. No matter how you plan to spend the holiday, Baylor College of Medicine physicians provide tips on how to enjoy the day safely. × This page requires Javascript. Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. Please enable it in your browser settings. k9bm$E2J 9J5C2E65k^9bm kAmsC] |:2CJ 42C6 A9JD:4:2? 2?5 2DD@4:2E6 AC@76DD@C :? E96 s6A2CE>6?E @7 u2>:=J 2?5 r@>>F?:EJ |65:4:?6[ 6IA=2:?D E92E AC@A6C=J 9J5C2E:?8 367@C6 2?5 27E6C 36:?8 @FE5@@CD 42? 96=A AC6G6?E 569J5C2E:@?]k^Am kAm“p 8@@5 CF=6 @7