
ANALYSIS: Finding replacement for retired coach a process for Winnipeg Jets - Winnipeg

ANALYSIS: Finding replacement for retired coach a process for Winnipeg Jets - Winnipeg

When Rick Bowness retired from coaching last week, the Winnipeg Jets organization was very careful to ensure his announcement stood alone, and wasn't overshadowed by any discussions at the same time about his possible replacement. Now, over a week later, the search for the team's new head coach is ultimately in full swing, and the next step in the process — and it's important to note, the next few weeks will be just that, a process — has now begun in ardent fashion. Just as they did just two short years ago prior to Bowness being hired, the Jets will provide their due diligence into their search, anointing no one but considering many, including one of their own. Yes, Scott Arniel, the team's associate coach the past two seasons, a Winnipeg resident and former Jets player, has long been considered the heir apparent and could very well have the inside track on the job, especially since the club performed so well under his guidance when Bowness took time away from the team twice during his tenure.