
Minor hockey coach fired for Nazi propaganda

Photo courtesy of Now Newspapers. 
Photo courtesy of Now Newspapers. 

There are many reasons youth hockey coaches get fired. Some make sense, some are the brainchild of crazy hockey parents.

This one makes sense and, if the facts in the below story are true, the subject of the firing is highly disturbing.

From the Now Newspaper in North Delta, parents from the North Delta Minor Hockey Association fired Christopher Maximilian Sandau for posting Nazi propaganda on his Facebook page. 

From Now Newspaper:

"Sandau's Facebook page is largely a shrine to Adolf Hitler and Nazism. Included is a swastika over which Sandau wrote 'may god be with us and the truth prevail,' another swastika with the message 'If this flag offends you you need a history lesson,' and a photoshopped image of an astronaut standing on the moon, doing a "sieg heil" salute to a Nazi flag.

There's a photo of Hitler, with the message 'Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told,' and many other postings of similar subject matter that were still on his Facebook page at deadline Wednesday morning."

The paper did reach out to Sandau to ask him about this, and the coach did give an interview ... in which he denied the Holocaust. Yep, that's right ... denied it.

"Sandau said he played professional hockey in Germany and has visited the memorial sites of concentration camps like Dachau. As for the Holocaust, Sandau maintains, 'There is no such plan, there was no idea.'

He claims the prisoners shown in newsreels were bald because of a 'brutal lice infestation' and emaciated from disease. 'These people died from typhus. The Germans were actually doing their best to save these people.

'These people were not that evil as we're told.'

Sandau did say he was not espousing his views on the kids. And yes, free speech is allowed in developed countries. Also, we don't know 100 percent of the facts, nor have we ever met Sandau.

But if the reporting in this story is accurate, this line of thinking is just cringeworthy. When visiting Dachau, did he think the gas chambers were disinfectent rooms for lice? Really.

There's many books about the Holocaust like ... "Night" by Elie Wiesel, "The Diary of a Young Girl" by Anne Frank, "Maus" by Art Spiegelman or "Survival in Auschwitz" by Primo Levi. Maybe he should read some for a history lesson.