
Mad Dash: Baby picture stirs controversy with Maple Leafs fans

It's never too soon to start an offseason controversy in the NHL, as Toronto Maple Leafs can attest. The fiancé of Toronto goalie Jonathan Bernier, Martine Forget, loves to post pictures of the couple's son to Instagram, often in Maple Leafs jerseys and onesies. But the latest one didn't have any Leafs logos and the commenters were naturally curious as to why. When Forget cryptically replied that there was a reason but that she couldn't reveal it, fans went into freak out mode. But as a later report revealed, it was much ado about nothing. Fans might want to pace themselves with the conspiracy theories since there are still 15 weeks to go in the offseason.

Many golfers dream of a hole-in-one, but when one man's big moment finally came, the universe pulled a trick out of its sleeve to take a little shine off of the feat. The PGA tour caddie that was playing with the man got a great picture of the moment, and some investigating by For The Win revealed the course gave the guy a hole-in-one anyway, but it's an image that has to be seen to be believed.

Washington quarterback Robert Griffin III has a penchant for saying some odd things, and his latest weird quote is no exception. With his team holding a full squad minicamp, RG3 apparently said, "Some people call it the grind. I call it the find, since you find what you have." Well, OK then.

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