
C-a-C Past Lives: In 2001, Kevin Garnett ponders the padding

Gotta get back in time ... Welcome to another edition of Create-a-Caption Past Lives.

"I mean, yeah, that looks soft enough, I guess. But say I come at it full speed, like after dunking or blocking a shot or whatever — is that basket stanchion really padded enough to protect me from a head injury? Hmm. Maybe I should run a scientific test."

The rest, as they say, is history. Unless, of course, Kevin Garnett was mulling over something else entirely. What say you?

Best caption wins two Extra Strength Tylenol. Good luck.

In our last adventure: You can't deny that Derrick Williams points enthusiastically, but in terms of pointing quality and precision, he's no Trey Kerby.


Winner, JD:

... and that was when Derrick Williams started to scat.

Runner-up, Josh H.: Derrick Williams attempts an ambitious Kansas City Shuffle but unfortunately ends up on the Minnesota Timberwolves anyway.

Second runner-up, Eye of the Tiger: "Hey! Don't you play the same position as me? and you? ... AND YOU? ... YOU TOO?"