
Teeing Off: What star would be perfect for the next Haney Project?

Every week this season, Jay Busbee and Shane Bacon will toss around one thought on the upcoming tournament. No matter the importance of the event or the field, we will focus on one thing and chat about it. This week, we stray away from the Sony Open to discuss the latest show on The Golf Channel. Which star would be a perfect fit for season four of The Haney Project? We discuss below ...

Bacon: The Haney Project is back, and this time, with a controversial star in Rush Limbaugh. While I've never been a HUGE fan of Limbaugh, I can understand that he is the type of guy that can cater well to the normal Golf Channel demographic. But what star would be perfect for the next Haney Project? I'm going with Justin Timberlake or Tony Romo. We've had hackers for all these shows, so why not have a guy that could go from a good handicap to a GREAT handicap? Both these guys can play, but I'm sure Haney could improve them. Would having a good golfer be bad for the show, or would a big name like one of these two bring in a different group of viewers? I think it's a good project. That or teach me. I'd be down.

Busbee: I'm sure you would. But is there anything left for Haney to teach you? I thought it'd be the other way around. Anyway, Timberlake is such a no-brainer I'd be surprised if they haven't already worked that angle. On that front, though, while I think Timberlake would be a lot of fun to watch, I think Haney needs to go in the complete opposite direction: work with somebody who has no freaking idea how to golf. Ladies and gentlemen, I humbly suggest The Haney Project IV: Snooki!

Bacon: Maybe she could dress up as a golf ball? Bling out her golf glove? I actually like this idea a lot. Find a person that has never golfed, and try to see if they can get them to, I don't know, finish two holes with the same ball? I like it. Snooki it is. My only other suggestion would be get The Situation on it, and change the name of the show to "The Haney Situation."