
Devil Ball Golfcast 61: Kevin Cook, author of 'Titanic Thompson: The Man Who Bet On Everything'

Around these parts, we always love a good golf bet, and there's never been a finer golf sharp than Titanic Thompson, the subject of a fine new book by Kevin Cook.

Thompson, born Alvin Thomas, lived for most of the 20th century scamming, cheating and outwitting pretty much everyone he ever came in contact with, a list that includes everyone from Ben Hogan to Al Capone. He was one of those shadowy figures that pops up throughout American crime history, and he has connections to the 1919 Black Sox scandal, the founding of Las Vegas, the Chicago crime scene, and the World Series of Poker.

He also happened to be an amazing golfer, a guy who could make far more on side betting than he ever could as a professional. His swing was unconventional, more modern than his contemporaries, and his gambler's mind put him miles ahead of his competition. His is an exceptional story, and Cook is here to get you started on it. Check the interview -- there's a bonus scam you can play on your own pals the next time you're out on the course, free of charge.

You can check out more about the book right here, including an excerpt and other reviews/testimonials, including some video footage and other multimedia goodness.

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Devil Ball Golfcast, Episode 61 -- Kevin Cook, author of 'Titanic Thompson'