  • Associated Press

    A simple recipe for onigiri, or Japanese rice balls, with salted plums

    A Tokyo correspondent for The Associated Press is sharing her basic onigiri recipe. It uses umeboshi (salted Japanese plums), but what you put inside can be just about anything — fish, meat, veggies, even cheese — as long as it fits and tastes good. Wrap it with nori (dried seaweed).

  • The Daily Beast

    Kremlin Trolls Team Up With Trumpworld to Attack ‘Dying’ Biden

    Ahead of the first big showdown between Donald Trump and Joe Biden at the debate this week, the Trump campaign’s attacks on Biden are getting a big boost from the Kremlin’s propaganda machine.A pool reporter for Russian President Vladimir Putin and several popular pro-Kremlin outlets claimed on Thursday that the “top news” for the week included, among other things, that Biden “could not get into a car on his own”—a claim made by none other than the Trump campaign.“Crooked Joe Biden—who is hardly

  • Associated Press

    Philadelphia police officer shot by fleeing suspect is in critical condition

    A Philadelphia police officer was shot in the neck and was in critical condition Saturday night, officials said. The 31-year-old officer was in critical condition and undergoing surgery at Temple University Hospital, Police Commissioner Kevin Bethel said during a news conference outside the hospital. The officer, a veteran of more than six years on the force, and his partner stopped a car with four people inside shortly before 8 p.m. The officers saw a person with a gun holster and the suspect fled, firing three times at the officers, Bethel said.