
    'The Petri dish for the latest unhinged legal theory': the powerful appeals court feeding the SCOTUS docket

    By now, we’re all familiar with the Supreme Court’s conservative supermajority, which has pushed American jurisprudence far to the right in recent years. But little attention has been paid to the conservative 5th Circuit, which has played an outsized role in shaping the Supreme Court’s docket. “It’s the Petri dish for whatever the latest unhinged theory is,” according to Leah Litman, University of Michigan Law School professor. Through an assortment of dubious legal maneuvers, the Fi


    The effort to 'turn this country into a theocratic state' is being mainstreamed by the GOP

    Christian Nationalism is based on the myth that America was founded as a Christian nation. It puts Christianity at the center of American life, and aims to install believers into all areas of public life including, and perhaps especially, the government. Last year, a survey by the Public Religion Research Institute found that 40% of Americans believe that our laws should be based on Christian values. “White Evangelicals especially thought that they were the ones who were able to bring God into

  • Associated Press

    Schurter and Ferrand-Prevot win mountain bike World Cup in Italy, build momentum for Paris Olympics

    Nino Schurter of Switzerland and Pauline Ferrand-Prevot of France won mountain bike World Cup races in Italy on Sunday, making emphatic statements that the veterans are still among the ones to beat at the Paris Olympics in just over a month. Schurter, a three-time Olympic medalist and the champion in 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, spent the first half of the seven-lap race in Val di Sol jockeying for the lead with Alan Hatherly of South Africa.