  • The Telegraph

    Molly Russell’s father calls for windfall tax on tech firms that do not prioritise children’s safety

    The father of Molly Russell has called for a windfall tax to be imposed on tech firms for putting profits before children’s safety.

  • Reuters

    Vatican to EU election voters: don't dehumanise migrants

    The Vatican's point man on migration and social justice on Monday urged EU citizens who might be tempted to vote for far-right parties in this week's European Parliament elections to remain sympathetic towards migrants and refugees. Far-right and conservative parties are expected to make gains in the June 6-9 vote, potentially tilting European Union politics towards a tougher approach on law and order and border security. The Vatican does not normally take political sides, but during his 11-year papacy, Pope Francis has consistently spoken up for migrants' rights and called for a more humanitarian approach by Western governments.

  • The Telegraph

    Police investigate Jonny Hill after clash left fan with cut above the eye

    Detectives have launched an assault investigation over a rugby fan’s complaint that he was cut above his eye in an altercation with Sale lock Jonny Hill.