On campus mental health services to begin in St. Landry school, future expansion possible

Students at Eunice Junior High School are expected to soon begin receiving on-campus mental health counseling that St. Landry school district officials think could be the start of a beneficial program they hope might eventually expand parish-wide.

Board members last week approved unanimously a projected Eunice Junior High mental health and counseling program that will be operated by a private company that plans to operate at a facility for students and adults somewhere in the school building.

Board members demonstrated no hesitation in approving the proposal by Open Health following a discussion during a lengthy meeting.

Michael Fuselier, chief executive officer of Open Health Care Clinic presents a plan for the company to operate a mental health and counseling clinic at Eunice Junior High. At left is company president and CEO Tim Young.
Michael Fuselier, chief executive officer of Open Health Care Clinic presents a plan for the company to operate a mental health and counseling clinic at Eunice Junior High. At left is company president and CEO Tim Young.

"This is really significant. This is a need I think that all of our children should have access to," said board member Bianca Vedell.

Board president Joyce Haynes said during a Tuesday morning interview that she and other board members understand that currently the program is only scheduled to be offered by Open Health, a company located primarily in Baton Rouge.

However, Haynes said that she is hopeful that if the clinic can operate successfully at Eunice Junior High, then Open Health representatives might eventually seek to expand services to other St. Landry public school campuses.

This is really a huge deal for the school system and something that I and other board members feel could be a beneficial service. From what I understand, this clinic when it opens, will be operating at no cost to the school system," Haynes said.

Open Health chief financial officer Michael Fuselier and company president and CEO Tim Young told the Board before gaining unanimous approval that Eunice Junior High is the only St. Landry school system targeted facility that is scheduled to begin operating during 2023-24.

Young said during a separate Tuesday interview that the company which is experienced in provided federally-approved special programs, proposes using either a licensed clinical social worker or a licensed counselor at the school. The clinic, Fuselier told the Board last week, will need a physical location at the school to begin operation.

The District already facilitates students needing on-campus guidance by offering counselors and nurses at most parish schools.

Open Health, Young added on Tuesday, intends to "test the waters" in St. Landry by beginning the program in Eunice.

Young said that he is originally from Eunice, while Fuselier is from nearby Mamou in Evangeline Parish.

"We are well acquainted with the Eunice area. This service we are going to offer in Eunice is something that could possibly be offered at other sites. Right now I would say that we are going to be open to expansion," said Young.

Haynes said that the clinic will not be funded from any District revenues.

"The program will be federally funded. We will be seeing patients who have Medicaid or some type of insurance. If a student or a staff member comes to us and there is a problem, we will work something out. We don't intend to turn anyone away," Young said.

Young said if there are problems with paying for clinic services, individuals can also pay for services according to their incomes.

Eunice Junior High principal Casey Comeaux has also provided her consent for the clinic to operate.

"We have met with her and there is the understanding that the services we are going to provide are not for profit. We think this is something that will be good for the community. Our clinic will also be obligated to cater to adults," Fuselier told board members.

Fuselier did not indicate whether the company feels that Eunice Junior High students are currently experiencing high-risk mental health concerns which are different or more prevalent than any other students in the District.

"Every site is going to be different based on the needs of the children who are attending classes in that facility," Fuselier said.

Fuselier added that school counseling and access to mental health are normally pivotal for students who are at the junior high level.

This article originally appeared on Opelousas Daily World: Mental health service to begin in St. Landry school