  • Parents

    Rebecca Name Meaning

    Learn more about the meaning, origin, and popularity of the name.

  • Ducks Wire

    4-star SG Jovani Ruff names Oregon as a finalist ahead of commitment

    Jovani Ruff, a 4-star SG and a top-50 player in the class of 2025, named Oregon Basketball as a finalist ahead of his June 5th commitment.

  • Associated Press

    What is Manhattanhenge and when can you see it?

    Twice per year, New Yorkers and visitors are treated to a phenomenon known as Manhattanhenge, when the setting sun aligns with the Manhattan street grid and sinks below the horizon framed in a canyon of skyscrapers. Manhattanhenge happens for the first time this year on May 28 at 8:13 p.m. and May 29 at 8:12 p.m., and will occur again on July 12 and 13. Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson coined the term in a 1997 article in the magazine Natural History.