  • Reuters

    North Korea sends 600 more trash balloons over border, South says

    North Korea sent some 600 balloons carrying trash into South Korea overnight, Seoul said on Sunday, in Pyongyang's latest move to rile its rival neighbour. The balloons carrying garbage such as cigarette butts, cloth, paper waste and plastic were found across the capital from 8 p.m. to 10 a.m. (1100 GMT on Saturday to 0100 GMT on Sunday), South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said. It said the military was monitoring the starting point and conducting aerial reconnaissance to track down and collect the balloons, which have large bags of trash suspended beneath them.

  • BBC

    China says its spacecraft lands on Moon's far side

    The mission hopes to bring rocks back to earth from the far side of the Moon for the first time.

  • Associated Press

    Paris is aiming for the most sustainable Olympics yet. Organizers acknowledge the plan isn't perfect

    Of all the decisions Paris Olympics organizers made about where to hold each sport, sending surfing competitions to the other side of the world — in the Pacific waters of Tahiti — provoked the strongest reactions. Paris Olympic officials had set an ambitious target of halving their overall carbon footprint compared with the 2012 London and 2016 Rio Games. Tahiti’s surfing reef is too far offshore for fans to see the action clearly from the beach, so organizers say they calculated that most would watch on television instead of taking flights, a major source of carbon emissions.