How to reschedule a meeting in your Google Calendar on the desktop site or mobile app

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It's easy to reschedule a Google Calendar event at any time and notify all attendees.
  • You can reschedule a meeting in your Google Calendar by editing its date and time, then notifying the meeting's attendees.

  • If you need to reschedule a meeting you've made in your Google Calendar, the process is quick and easy whether you're on a computer or mobile device.

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Google Calendar is a relatively straightforward tool that is compatible with all other Google applications, such as Gmail.

If you need to reschedule a meeting on your Google Calendar, you can do so in just a few simple steps.

How to reschedule a meeting on the Google Calendar website

Note that these instructions correspond to Google Calendar's desktop site, not its mobile application.

1. Log in to your Google account and proceed to the Google Calendar.

2. Click on the meeting you wish to reschedule.

3. In the pop-up window that appears, click on the pencil icon.

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Click on the pencil icon to edit the event.

4. Click on the meeting date and time, and change it to the desired date/time by clicking on the respective values in the pop-up menus that appear. For example, if you wish to change the date of the meeting to September 29, you would click on the corresponding date in the pop-up menu.

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Change the date and time.

5. Click the button labeled "Save," located near the top of the screen.

6. If you wish to send notifications of the rescheduling to meeting attendees, click "Send" in the pop-up window. If you don't wish to notify attendees, click on "Don't send."

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Choose whether or not you want to notify your guests.

Your meeting will now appear in its rescheduled position on your Google Calendar.

How to reschedule a meeting on the Google Calendar mobile app

1. Open the Google Calendar app on your mobile device.

2. Tap on the meeting you wish to reschedule.

3. In the meeting's pop-up window, tap the pencil icon in the top right corner.

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Tap the pencil icon to edit the meeting.

4. Tap on the meeting date and time, and change it to the desired date/time by clicking on the respective values in the pop-up menus that appear.

Change the date and/or time, and tap "Save."

5. Tap the "Save" button in the top right corner of the window.

6. After hitting "Save," all attendees will be automatically sent a notification about the updated time.

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