Opinion: Here's how 'meanness' is causing a severe lack of referees in youth sports

Kevin Lawrence is the head baseball coach at Red Lion Area High School, a YAIAA basketball official and a social studies teacher at Susquehannock High School. He graduated from Delone Catholic High School in 1993. These are his words:

Our youngest son’s youth basketball game was canceled a few weekends ago.

And you’re the reason!

But sadly, so am I.

In the midst of a holiday season when we celebrate Santa and his diligence — double-checking who’s naughty and nice — and lament his nemesis, The Grinch, because he’s mean, perhaps it is time that we all pause and remember the real value and importance of being kind to one another, this holiday season and always.

Like many of yours, our children spend the majority of their waking hours thinking about sports, playing sports, talking about sports, spending time with the friends who they made while playing sports. There are so many positive activities in which young people can engage — theatre, music, part-time jobs, student government, and after-school clubs, just to name a few. Sports are just one of them. But for our children, and for so many who read these pages daily, those sports occupy a central place in their personal identity.

In Cooper’s case, he was sorely disappointed when his 5th and 6th grade basketball game had to be canceled. Sure, it’s easy to question the importance of an elementary school basketball game. In the scope of the world, it carries practically no significance; but in the mind of a sports-obsessed 5th grader, it is the world. To be unable to play because of a lack of officials was upsetting to Cooper and I’m sure to the other players on all six of the teams whose games had to be canceled and who just love to play.

Kevin Lawrence is a PIAA basketball official and the head baseball coach at Red Lion High School.
Kevin Lawrence is a PIAA basketball official and the head baseball coach at Red Lion High School.

Related: How big of a problem is violence against referees in high school athletics?

More: Incivility is driving high school coaches from the profession (Column)

As of this writing, the York Chapter of PIAA Basketball Officials has 93 active officials. Two years ago, we had 150. For those of you doing the arithmetic, that’s a 31% loss in 24 months. A few Saturdays ago, that shortage meant our son didn’t get to do something he loves. In the coming weeks, months and seasons, it is not impossible that the shortage of officials might necessitate the postponement or cancelation of high school sports contests.

That’s not hyperbole either; that’s a real risk and not just in basketball, but in every sport. In a day and age when we are collectively lamenting the inactivity of our young people, we are simultaneously undermining their ability to be active. How? It’s simple.

We’re being mean.

We need more Santas, fewer Grinches. We need to be kinder.

The No. 1 reason for the precipitous decline in sports officials around the nation can be summarized in a single word — meanness. The reason that finding good, qualified coaches has been the No. 1 challenge facing athletic administrators around the nation for six of the past seven years can also be summarized in a single word — meanness.

The meanness to which sports officials are being subjected is illogical. The meanness with which coaches are being treated might make even less sense. We provide plenty of lip-service to wanting our young people to be involved in positive activities and be mentored by caring adults, but then we harass and torment — we’re mean — the very people who are trying to provide them with those opportunities.

We need more Santas, fewer Grinches. We need to be kinder.

Coronavirus is not the only pandemic afflicting our nation in 2021. We are plagued by meanness, too. Too many parents are hateful, not helpful. Too many fans are fanatical, not friendly. The behavior of too many involved in youth and interscholastic sports is silly, not supportive. Good people who genuinely care about young men and women are choosing not to coach. The adverse impacts on their mental health, their sanity and their emotional well-being are not worth it.

Why? They are being subjected to too much meanness. Good people who sincerely enjoy the chance to spend a few hours after work providing young people with the same opportunities that they had to play games, are hanging up their whistles as referees, or never picking one up. Why? They are being subjected to too much meanness.

We need more Santas, fewer Grinches. We need to be kinder.

Not every reader possesses the wherewithal — knowledge, health, time, opportunity — to officiate or coach. For those of us who do, we have made our fair share of mistakes in trying. I am not innocent of the mean behavior that is plaguing our society. I have yelled at officials. I have screamed at players. Embarrassingly, as their coach, I have even been mean to my own children. I recall one specific incident a few years ago that left me with an indelible memory of how not to treat anyone’s child, let alone my own.

More on the referee issue: Bad fan behavior at games has unseen consequences

I am not proud of my own mistakes. In the past, I contributed to the meanness movement. But I’m glad to say I have gained perspective, learned, mellowed and am trying hard to do better — to be kinder. Will you join me in an effort to put an end to our society’s meanness malaise and answer a community call to kindness?

After all, we need more Santas, fewer Grinches. We need to be kinder.

Our society is being plagued with a virus that doesn’t need a vaccination. Meanness doesn’t need a medicine, just a bit of mindfulness. So whether the cause of your angst is a longer wait than usual at your favorite coffee shop, stores without the gifts you were hoping to find, a politician whose policy position is different than your own, an official’s whose call negatively impacts your child’s team or a coach whose decisions are different than those you would have made, you don’t have to be happy, but you don’t have to be mean.

After all, we need more Santas, fewer Grinches. We need to be kinder.

Our son’s elementary basketball game was canceled because there weren’t enough referees available to officiate his game. Some children are being deprived of opportunities to play organized sports because many adults won’t volunteer to coach because of their well-founded fear of being treated meanly.

For our collective sake — and because we all want our kids to be able to play under the watchful eyes of competent officials and qualified coaches — let’s try and make our way onto Santa’s list and ditch the Grinch.

Be kind.

This article originally appeared on York Daily Record: PA high school sports: Referees being driven away by 'meanness'