  • The Telegraph

    Farage is right: Wales is an utter disaster

    Adam Smith’s dictum – that there is a great deal of ruin in a nation – is being tested to the limit in 21st century Wales. After 25 years of Labour control, it lags behind the rest of the UK on a range of metrics. Nigel Farage is wise to launch his contract with the people in Merthyr Tydfil, if his aim is to warn the British public just how much they will suffer under Labour.

  • Motley Fool

    Is Home Depot Still a Stock Worth Owning?

    Can Home Depot still deliver returns for investors?

  • The Telegraph

    Midsummer Night’s Dream, Garsington Opera: A production full of craft but short on warmth

    If ever a spot seemed designed by providence for a production of Britten’s Midsummer Night’s Dream, it is surely Garsington Opera. You could imagine sprites gambolling in the tree-lined hills that surround the glass-and-steel opera house, and Netia Jones, the director and designer of Garsington’s new production actually brings that luxuriant outdoors into her production, by leaving the back wall open so we see the sunlit trees beyond.