  • Motley Fool

    This Change Is Almost Guaranteed to Come to Social Security in 2025 -- and a Lot of People Won't Like It

    Social Security needs revenue to continue paying benefits. One method of increasing that revenue won't sit well with some workers.

  • Evening Standard

    London overtakes Paris as the biggest stock market in Europe

    London had regained its crown as Europe’s biggest stock market, just two years after losing that status to Paris. French stocks have suffered from the shock election called by President Emmanuel Macron last week which hit bank shares in particular. Meanwhile, London shares after a long period in the doldrums are showing renewed signs of life with bankers saying clients are looking to get deals moving again, leading to floats and share price boosts.

  • Reuters

    Zimbabwe police arrest opposition leader and 80 youths, says lawyer

    Zimbabwe police have arrested opposition leader Jameson Timba and 80 youths for holding a political gathering which authorities said was unauthorized, their lawyer said on Monday. Timba took over as interim leader of Citizens Coalition for Change after former leader Nelson Chamisa quit the party in January, alleging it had been hijacked by the ruling ZANU-PF party.