  • The Telegraph

    Okra with ginger recipe

    I have been a big fan of okra since moving to London more than 40 years ago and checking out the Indian restaurants. A lot of people have had bad experiences with the slimy tinned version served in not-so-good curry houses, but treated in the right way, it has a lovely texture and delicious flavour. In Louisiana they use okra to give a classic gumbo a natural thickening.

  • The Telegraph

    Is this the tech that’s going to win England the Euros?

    From head to toe, football players are used to being decked out with tech that monitors every second of their performance on the pitch. Watches are put on their wrists, straps around their chests and trackers on their ankles, all to provide data that coaches and analysts use to help them perform better.

  • The Telegraph

    Pea dumpling broth recipe

    This isn’t a classic Chinese or south-east Asian broth but something I created made with seasonal peas such as sugar snaps, mangetouts or even pea shoots. You can use fresh peas for the filling but I find the frozen kind work really well. I use wonton or gyoza wrappers, which I always have to hand in my freezer. I hate wasting things, so the peas and leeks from the stock become the dumpling filling.