  • The Telegraph

    Vietnamese spring rolls recipe

    I’m never without Vietnamese wrappers in the larder for making soft rolls and for frying. You can buy either round or square ones, and there’s not much difference when it comes to rolling them.

  • The Telegraph

    Four addictively delicious Asian recipes to please a crowd

    There’s something about the range of cuisines across Asia that means I could eat them every day of the week – the vibrant flavours of Vietnam, say, or the hum of Szechuan pepper are just so addictive.

  • The Telegraph

    Stuffed aubergines with black bean sauce recipe

    I’ve had this dish lots of times in Chinatown, where the aubergines often come stuffed with minced pork and/or prawns. This version works really well by using the thinner end of the aubergines to make the stuffing.