  • The Telegraph

    The sacred islands off the coast of Africa where you need permission to go ashore

    For travellers, the desire to “discover” truly untouched destinations is just that; a desire. But in 2019, I set out to explore a group of 88 islands and islets in the Atlantic of which very few had heard: the Bissagos archipelago.

  • Reuters

    Tesla kicks off legal fight to reinstate Musk's pay

    Tesla began its fight for legal recognition of a shareholder vote favoring Elon Musk's record compensation, telling a Delaware judge that it "significantly impacts" her ruling voiding the pay, according to a letter made public on Monday. Tesla wrote to Chancellor Kathaleen McCormick that the parties in the pay package case should now lay out their legal interpretations of Thursday's ratification of Musk's pay, rather than moving ahead with the case on the prior schedule.

  • Bucks County Courier Times

    United Way's BKO: An alarming rise in hunger levels in Bucks County

    Bucks Knocks Out Hunger is a hunger relief project started by United Way. It is the biggest food assistance program in the county.