Orlando Magic

Orlando Magic

  • Field Goal %
    47.6 FG%
  • 3-point %
    35.2 3P%
  • Points Scored
    110 PPG
  • Total Rebounds
    42.3 RPG
  • The Magic Insider

    Magic Report Cards: Wendell Carter Jr. Navigates Ups & Downs

    As one of the few players to be around for the entirety of coach Jamahl Mosley's tenure, Carter has been viewed as a major building block for the team's foundation. "It was tough," Carter said about the season. Despite Carter's struggles, he was able to push forward thanks to the encouragement of his support system, and he was able to play meaningful minutes during the team's playoff series against the Cleveland Cavaliers. "I think a lot of people were outside this facility who was able to help me encourage me and keep me going because it got to a point where I just felt like I wasn't good enough," Carter said.