Oklahoma City Thunder

Oklahoma City Thunder

  • Field Goal %
    49.9 FG%
  • 3-point %
    38.9 3P%
  • Points Scored
    120 PPG
  • Total Rebounds
    42.0 RPG

    Ex-Celtic Gordon Hayward Rips Experience With Thunder

    Sign In Former Boston Celtics forward Gordon Hayward thought he would fill a certain role with the Oklahoma City Thunder after being dealt there at the NBA trade deadline by the Charlotte Hornets. But things didn't pan out how Hayward envisioned. And in the end, Hayward soured on his brief stint with the Thunder, who were bounced from the second round of the NBA playoffs Saturday night by the Dallas Mavericks. “Obviously disappointing with how it all worked out,” Hayward told reporters Sunday , per The Oklahoman's Joel Lorenzi. “This is not what I thought it would be. Certainly frustrating. But it is what it is.” Hayward added: “I feel like as a player I have a lot to offer. I just wasn't given