Indiana Pacers

Indiana Pacers

  • Field Goal %
    50.7 FG%
  • 3-point %
    37.4 3P%
  • Points Scored
    123 PPG
  • Total Rebounds
    41.5 RPG
  • Are Tyrese Haliburton's scoring woes a concern for Pacers long term?

    Indiana Pacers All-Star guard Tyrese Haliburton started the 2023-24 regular season on a tear, but his scoring woes stood out as the year progressed. The All-Star break marked a significant switch in his scoring, as he averaged 21.8 points prior to the break compared to 17.3 points afterward. Meanwhile, his top-tier playmaking remained relatively consistent throughout the year, averaging 10.9 assists (league-high) on 2.3 turnovers. The real problem is the major drop-off in Haliburton's scoring in the NBA playoffs thus far, as he's averaging just 14.6 points while shooting 42.9% from the field and 30.5% from 3-point range.